Camp Pixelache 2012 is already this week on 11-12.5!!!! It is organised around the overarching theme Do it with Others (D.I.W.O.). How can artists, makers, cultural producers, researchers and activists work collaboratively with each other and audiences, to create new co-production models for artefacts/events with sustainability as the core goal?
Don't miss the opening keynote presentation by Vinay Gupta on 11.5 at 18.00 at Arbis. On Camp Pixelache main day 12.5, the main theme of D.I.W.O. will be outlined by Marc Garrett (UK), activist, artist, writer and co-director/founder of arts collective Furtherfield. Check the rest of the themes that will run during the whole day and add your own suggestions here. Share your vision of Doing It With Others, present a project or host a discussion! The call for presentations is open untill the Camp day.
Camp Pixelache has free entrance. WELCOME!
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