We would like to warmly thank all the people who contributed to Camp Pixelache and ask for some feedback, as its crucial for us!
Here below are few questions. It would be great if you could paste them in a mail with your answers and send it to office((((@))))pixelache.ac.
1. How would you rate your experience of Camp Pixelache 2012?
2.. Your professional benefit of Camp Pixelache 2012?
3. As a participant, where you more interested yourself in
- presentatations ?
- discussions ?
- practical projects ?
- other? If so, what:
4. Did you make useful contacts for work / future collaborations?
5. What did you think of Arbis a venue for Pixelache Unconference?
6. Comments regarding the scheduling and the rhythm of the day?
7. What worked well?
8. What could be improved?
9. Wishlist: what themes and topics would you like to propose for the next edition of Camp Pixelache?
10. Other general comments
Also, if you have given a presentation which isn't already described in the Camp thematic etherpad pages, it would be really useful if you could add a description of it there.
We also would like to encourage everyone to add useful links and notes/memos to the different etherpads:
Main theme ‘Do-It-With-Others’ http://tinyurl.com/pa12-camp-open-diwo
- Sub-theme 1: http://tinyurl.com/pa12-camp-open-neighbourhood
- Sub-theme 2: http://tinyurl.com/pa12-camp-open-environment
- Sub-theme 3: http://tinyurl.com/pa12-camp-open-virtuality
In addition, it would be fantastic if you could share your slides, drawings etc. They can be uploaded here: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_HaQqJJ5is7bE05dWhiRkdSSDg
If you have pictures and own a flickr account, we would be grateful if you could upload them with the tag Pixelache. If you don't have a flickr account, you can just upload them here: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_HaQqJJ5is7bE05dWhiRkdSSDg
If you have written an article, a blog post etc, we would be super grateful if you could send us the link (office@pixelache.ac)!
We are slowly uploading more videos to Pixelache account on Vimeo here: vimeo.com/pixelache
There are already a lot of photos on Flickr with tag 'Pixelache'
Have a look!
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