This upcoming weekend from Friday 24 - Sunday 26th August takes place the 2nd annual Coop Camp in Pispala-Tampere, and focuses on food-related cooperation.
In additition to previously announced keynote speaker on Friday evening, Nance Klehm (USA) from Chicago, the unconference programme on Saturday afternoon-evening is filling up with very interesting examples. International guests include Terje Ong (EE) sharing food urbanism initiatives from Tartu, and Wojtek Mejor (PL) speaking of CSA and food-coop initiatives in Warsaw. Finnish speakers include Jukka Peltokoski presenting; local Meirän Pelto will present their CSA initiative in Tampere; Laura Browne speaks on behalf of Mukulaari from central Finland; Päivi Raivio about Kääntöpöytä; Kimmo Hokkanen & Laura Kihlström about communication and information solutions regarding local food; and more..
Join us!
Liittyvä sisältö
Tampereella 24.-26.8. järjestettävä Coop Camp on monialainen tapahtumaviikonloppu, jonka tavoitteena on luoda siltaa epämuodollisen yhdessä tekemisen, osuuskuntatoiminnan ja akateemisen osuustoiminnan tutkimuksen välille. Pispalan kulttuuriyhdistyksen ja Pixelache Helsingin järjestämän tapahtuman voi nähdä osuustoimintaleirinä, johon kaikki kiinnostuneet voivat kokoontua jakamaan näkemyksiään ja kokemuksiaan pirkanmaalaisesta ja suomalaisesta osuustoiminnasta – kansainvälistä ulottuvuutta unohtamatta.
Coop Camp is a trans-disciplinary weekend of events aiming to connect the practice of informal cooperation and formal cooperatives in Pirkanmaa and wider Finland. The event is facilitated by Pispala Cultural Association and Pixelache Helsinki. This is a ‘tietotalkoot’ event, an occasion to learn about cooperatives, to share experiences, stories and practices of different types of cooperativism, as well as a place to ask for co-operators, gathering not only local Finnish cultural perspectives and ambitions, but also those of a more international networked scene.