Toinen Vuosittainen Osuustoimintaleiri ‘Coop Camp’ Pispala-Tampereella, 24.-26. elokuuta
Coop Camp is a trans-disciplinary weekend of events aiming to connect the practice of informal cooperation and formal cooperatives in Pirkanmaa and wider Finland. The event is facilitated by Pispala Cultural Association and Pixelache Helsinki between Friday 24th-Sunday 26th August 2012.
This is a ‘tietotalkoot’ event, an occasion to learn about cooperatives, to share experiences, stories and practices of different types of cooperativism, as well as a place to ask for co-operators, gathering not only local Finnish cultural perspectives and ambitions, but also those of a more international networked scene.
This year Coop Camp focuses on food-related cooperation, with invited Keynote lecture & workshop by renowned urban forager Nance Khlem (Chicago). Recently in Finland there has been a significant interest in Community-supported Agriculture (CSA) model of food production, as well as spontaneous pop-up restaurants, and attempts to activate neighbourhoods regarding collaborative food-related projects.
The weekend starts in Pispala-Tampere with a keynote lecture by Nance Klehm from Chicago, USA, on her recent Social Ecologies initiative, which aims to engage local residents in building healthy habitats and spreading holistic, systematic thinking by creating and maintaining collaborative long-term interactive neighborhood projects (http://socialecologies.net).
Coop Camp continues on the next day in Pispala neighbourhood with informal presentations, screenings and activities from lunchtime to late evening. On Sunday there will be a workshop led by Nance Khlem on district-level permacultural planning/activities, highlighting the importance of soil/composting techniques, including worms & theory of humanure.
>> More information
Liittyvä sisältö
Tampereella 24.-26.8. järjestettävä Coop Camp on monialainen tapahtumaviikonloppu, jonka tavoitteena on luoda siltaa epämuodollisen yhdessä tekemisen, osuuskuntatoiminnan ja akateemisen osuustoiminnan tutkimuksen välille. Pispalan kulttuuriyhdistyksen ja Pixelache Helsingin järjestämän tapahtuman voi nähdä osuustoimintaleirinä, johon kaikki kiinnostuneet voivat kokoontua jakamaan näkemyksiään ja kokemuksiaan pirkanmaalaisesta ja suomalaisesta osuustoiminnasta – kansainvälistä ulottuvuutta unohtamatta.
...Coop Camp is a trans-disciplinary weekend of events aiming to connect the practice of informal cooperation and formal cooperatives in Pirkanmaa and wider Finland. The event is facilitated by Pispala Cultural Association and Pixelache Helsinki. This is a ‘tietotalkoot’ event, an occasion to learn about cooperatives, to share experiences, stories and practices of different types of cooperativism, as well as a place to ask for co-operators, gathering not only local Finnish cultural perspectives and ambitions, but also those of a more international networked scene.