Planet Suvilahti is an event by the permanent tenants of Suvilahti area (of which Pixelache is a tenant!). It includes an art exhibition in Tiivistämö from 4.9 to 30.10 and three live events days 4 and 5 September starting from 17:00. Finissage day 30.10. starting at 18:00.
The LIVE program happens simultaneously in several venues: Lämpö, Oranssi, Tiivistämö, Magito Studio, Make Your Mark gallery, Konttori 7, outdoors.
The idea behind the event is to create a tasteful contrast, bringing contemporary art in a pop culture context. The aim is to include the variety expressed by the local cultural actors present in Suvilahti and outline the fresh identity of the place.
Pixelache member Egle Oddo is exhibiting in the show and Juan Duarte performs in Arta & Spells Disaster. The full programme is available here and the Facebook event is here.