Collective Experiments / Syjunta
perjantai 3. huhtikuuta 2009,

Some improvised programme.... The Collective Experiments Syjunta crew from Stockholm will have their thing going on tomorrow afternoon (Sat 4 April) in Kiasma lobby between cafeteria and bookstore.
"The syjunta (knitting circle) that Collective Experiments arrange in Stockholm is a very relaxed and informal event, like a true knitting circle should be. We deliberately don't have any announced agenda or lectures, it's simply a gathering where we provide some coffe / beer and cookies. To keep it interesting and get new people on board we swap venue each time. The goal is to get people to inspire and help each other. People who attend work on completely different things, some might work on VJ applications, others on bio-printers. The common denominator is that everyone uses openFrameworks, Processing or similar tools. So while you don't have to talk code it's a good opportunity to discuss a nice hack, get help with a bug or find out how to get started…"