Chiptune Marching Band workshop
keskiviikko 1. huhtikuuta 2009,

Chiptune Marching Band is a workshop and performance. Its involves people from all walks of life making electronic sounds with one another, out in the world and in the open air. Armed with the tools and know-how for hacking together alternative-power systems and square wave sensor circuits, we take to the streets.
The workshop hosted by Jamie Allen (CA/UK) & Kazuhiro Jo (JP/UK) of Culture Lab, Newcastle University (UK).
Please sign up now!!!
The plan is to meet in Kiasma lobby at 12:00 (after the Alternative Economy Cultures morning session) and walk to Railwaystation and take bus 71 at 12:15, arriving in Taik approx 12:30. You have a possibility to have lunch in Taik before the workshop starts at 13:00. We will start the workshop with a 30 min introduction session between Taik Media Lab / UdK Berlin / Newcastle Culture Lab people.