Welcoming words from Sophea Lerner, the Pixelache Radio project lead: "We are happy to host Pixelache Festival Radio on {openradio} 6-13 June. Pixelache is an artist run organisation that presents Pixelache Helsinki Festival, a long running celebration of...
lauantai 5. kesäkuuta 2021,
Andrew Gryf Paterson
It has taken a few days for the Pixelache Festival producton office to come to terms with the statement below by Užupis Ambassador H.E. Max Haarich, that they have come so far, and decided to stay. In Hyrsylä, 1hr from Helsinki. As co-director, I (Andrew...
perjantai 4. kesäkuuta 2021,
Andrew Gryf Paterson
Pixelache Helsinki 2021 is opening this Sunday, June 6th. Not everything has gone quite like expected (depending of course how pessimistic a view one has). We will have on site performances, video works, installations, lectures, and workshops, like we first...
perjantai 4. kesäkuuta 2021,
Laura Gustafsson
Pixelache Festival
Vapaa julkaistavaksi: http://burn.pixelache.ac/press Pian 20-vuotias helsinkiläinen taidetta, teknologiaa ja aktivismia esittelevä Pikseliähky-festivaali tarkastelee kesäkuun ohjelmistossaan keinoja selviytyä psykologisista, sosiaalisista ja ekologisista...
sunnuntai 30. toukokuuta 2021,
Andrew Gryf Paterson