Photo: Maikki Kantola
Festival graphics: Wojtek Mejor, Evdokia Asseeva
Water, coming from the abundant rains, is the blood that flows in the Amazon. Human action, ubiquitous nowadays not only alters essential natural mechanisms like the water cycle but also causes biodiversity loss, displaces indigenous communities, threatening knowledge and symbiotic ways of living with Nature. Combining storytelling with all our senses will translate into a universal language, as we aim to create awareness about one of the most important phenomena that take place in the Amazon, and elsewhere: Rain.
This performance was conceived as a multi-sensorial experience and aims to bring the science of cloud formation and rainmaking closer to young and family audiences.
This performance is adapted to welcome pairs of one child and one adult. We invite not only parents, but grandparents, older siblings, uncles, aunts and non-blood-related families... to join children in this journey that combines participatory science experimentation, storytelling in English and visual and sound arts. During the performance, we ask children and adults to engage, empathise and help to restore the unbalance created by humans in the Amazon and bring the rain back.
Please join us on the 12th of September at 13:00 or 14:30, at the Oodi Library, 1st floor in Maijansali, Töölönlahdenkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki for the performance and after it, when the members of Mandarina Collective will extend this space of encounter beyond the stage and take questions about the science of water, clouds and rain or about any other of the elements that take part in the performance.
Due to covid-19 restrictions, the event is accessible to a limited number of persons.
Register at the bottom of this page for you and your children !
Mandarina Collective: Ana Piedehierro (ES), Ines Montalvao (PT) and Ina Fiebig (DE).
Mandarina Collective
Mandarina Collective became real in 2019 when Helsinki-based Ana Álvarez Piedehierro (ES), Ina Fiebig (DE) and Ines Montalvao (PT), were selected to perform in a multilingual Children’s Festival.
The collective is passionate about different but also common fields and, in their work together, they combine their knowledge of Science, Illustration and Experience Design with our passion for communication and a cross-disciplinary approach.
Instagram @mandarina.collective
Ana Álvarez Piedehierro
Ana Álvarez Piedehierro is an atmospheric scientist who loves sharing the wonders of science with everybody, especially the little ones. She obtained her PhD in Physics in Spain. She founded a science outreach project “Fis & Kids” (Extremadura, Spain), that focuses on reaching young students to increase their interest in the physical sciences through interactive workshops.
Now as a postdoc researcher at the Finnish Meteorological Institute, she has found ways to continue and expand her commitment with science outreach in Finland. She is a member of Ninho Kulttuurikeskus Ry, has participated in three editions of Kolibrí Festivaali, and collaborated with Heureka science centre and The Science Basement (University of Helsinki). Reaching multilingual communities in Helsinki with her science outreach skills has become one of her priorities.
Ina Fiebig
Ina Fiebig is a German graphic designer and illustrator. She loves drawing and the different manual techniques of creating images. In her design work, she creates illustrations and other playful key visuals for public campaigns, expositions and books. Ina worked on different projects throughout Europe (Berlin & Barcelona) as a Designer, Illustrator and Art Director, with a focus on social, cultural or educational projects. Since 2014 Ina lives with her family in Espoo, Finland – where she works at her own studio. She designs and leads creative workshops with international participants at libraries and educational centres in Helsinki and Espoo. Since 2015 she is a member of Ninho Kultturrikeskus Ry and is part of the key team of Kolibri Festivaali, a multicultural art festival for families in Helsinki and Espoo where she curates the exhibitions of the invited artists and overlooks the visual design of the festival.
Ines Montalvao
Ines Montalvao is based in Helsinki since the beginning of 2017 and has been working at Heureka, the Finnish science centre in Concept & Experience design. With a degree in biology and a passion for art, she combines both, explores cross-disciplinary approaches, storytelling, illustration and innovative ways to create meaningful experiences.
All this comes from an enthusiastic and dreamy way of being. She is a member of Ninho Kulttuurikeskus Ry and has participated in two editions of Kolibrí Festivaali. She is also a member of the International Society of Female Professionals (ISFP) and the Finnish Bioart Society.
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