Free Translation - свободный перевод - Vapaa käännös
We invite submission of artworks from incarcerated people, ex-convicts, and anyone affected by imprisonment to participate in the multi-disciplinary exhibition, Free Translation. Free Translation will exhibit international works in November 2018 at MAA-tila Gallery in
Helsinki and online. This exhibition will make use of the translation process as we will interact and create new artworks in the gallery space. Your works on view will encourage the audience to prompt dialogue, inspire thoughts, and creatively activate the space. This call is open to all ages.
What to send:
- Drawings, paintings, animation, photography, video, textiles, poems, texts, or art in any other medium.
- Submissions can be sent by post or email.
- On the artwork, please write your name or pseudonym, date and place.
- Please include any special requests or details on how you would like your piece to be presented.
By sending us your artworks you give consent to putting them on Prison Space and Translation is Dialogue websites, social media outlets, and including them in the exhibition in Helsinki and online. If for any reason, you wish to be anonymous, please state that clearly. We reserve a right to exhibit a selected number of works. Please note that the artist is responsible for posting the artworks to be included in the exhibition. If you would like your artwork to be returned, please provide a pre-paid envelope for your artwork. For more information, please contact Anastasia at info@prisonspace.org
Artworks can be sent to:
Re: Free Translation
c/o Kone Foundation
Otavantie 10
00200 Helsinki
As we have been kindly offered the office of Kone Foundation as the submissions' delivery point, please ensure your packaged artwork fits in a standard letterbox. To discuss transportation of larger works, please email info@prisonspace.org
Submission deadline EXTENDED: October 31st 2018.
For more information, please contact Anastasia at info@prisonspace.org
Please feel free to pass this call to those who might be interested!
To learn more about Translation is Dialogue (TID) and Prison Outside, please go to
www.translationisdialogue.org and www.prisonspace.org.