Member activity
RT @Info_Activism: The World's Smallest Computer Can Fit on the Tip of a Grain of Rice
RT @kotkavirta: Sillä välin kun media seurasi Melanian takkia, Trump kumosi Obaman ajan säädökset merten suojelusta.
Sobre diseño de interacción y educación con musica catalana contemporanea @diseño @foroalfa
RT @MarianaAmatullo: You can follow our opening keynote panel at #DRS2018 which will be live streamed Tuesday from Limerick. More info here…
RT @uresearchday: ¡Qué privilegio! Mariana Salgado y Edu Mercovich van a estar JUNTOS dando una charla en el #UserResearchDay de Buenos Air…
RT @conniemayfowler: URGENT. There is desperate need for Mayan-to-English translators for mothers who have been separated from their childr…
@Dimmu141 Siniristi...isanmaallinen...kristillisia arvoja...blabla. Odotin Piholta jotain parayttavampaa.
RT @theintercept: Two boys sue U.S. government for separating them from their fathers by @rdevro
RT @theintercept: Police and prosecutor misconduct — not faulty witnesses or false confessions — is the primary cause of wrongful convictio…
RT @UkkonenA: Elokuva miesasiamiehestä: "Kulti, kutistin viulun"
RT @Survival: What if your home and heritage was stolen from you to feed the greed of others... How would you react? Here's 5 ways Indigeno…
RT @chrislhayes: First time illegal entry into the United States is a misdemeanor.
Lying on or omitting materially relevant information fr…
RT @johnsifton: We received an offensive, sanctimonious, and childish letter from Nikki Haley today, accusing us of making common cause wit…
RT @ciminacional: AGORA: Indígenas marcham pela revogação do Parecer AntiDemarcação. A delegação de 300 estudantes indígenas e quilombolas,…
RT @TiiaMaija: "Naisten puolustajat" jälleen vauhdissa. Perusteluinaan "koska vanha työtoveri, ei voi olla pahoinpitely" ja "Oma vika, mitä…
RT @8bitfootball: Ederson and Tite got too excited with Coutinho's goal! 🇧🇷
RT @Jrvinen_J: Alan epäilemään Suomen kotoutustoimien tehokkuutta rinnakkaiskulttuurien radikalismin kitkemisessä.
Teuvolle on annettu ka…
RT @TechnicallyRon: If we change the words 'breaking news' to 'fucking hell what now' the world would be a slightly more bearable place.
RT @uresearchday: Estamos SÚPER felices porque Mariana Salgado estará en el #UserResearchDay de Buenos Aires dando una charla a dúo con Edu…
RT @uresearchday: En la misma página del haremos el streaming :) !
RT @Hikipediainfo: 🎶 Leftis-setä asuu Kallio-Vallila-Käpylä-akselilla
ja sieltä on parin kilometrin pyöräilymatka kaikkiin etelän median to…
RT @IfNotNowOrg: We are proud to see how vocal the American Jewish community has been in its calls to end child detention at the US border.…
RT @PetteriOrpo: Aivan käsittämätöntä miten @VeeraRuoho on joutunut ensin työpaikallaan häirinnän kohteeksi, ja sen jälkeen vihapostin uhri…
RT @DiscordianKitty: The most unrealistic thing about Star Wars is the way the Dark Side admits to being the Dark Side. In reality we'd hea…
Jotain tallasta nyt istuvilta edustuksellisen politiikan vaikuttajiltakin, kiitos. Varsinkin hallituspuolueiden riv…
joku hauska juhannustaikalappa tahan