Member activity

@oula_silver @vesakal erillisilmasto
@horsemankukka Kuulostaa kyllä ihan kokeilun arvoselta.
RT @Tieteentek: Yliopistossa työskentelevä tieteentekijänainen saa noin 210 euroa vähemmän palkkaa kuin mieskollega. (@Tieteentek jäsenkyse…
RT @torproject: If you have basic command-line experience, you can become one of the thousands of relay operators powering the Tor network.…
RT @Survival: Actor Susan Sarandon added her voice to calls for an investigation into @BuzzFeedNews revelations about @WWF #WWFfundsAbuse…
RT @revistaforum: Bolsonaro tem encontro secreto com diretora da CIA acusada de tortura após 11 de setembro Gina Ha…
RT @GuardianesBos: Today the @nytimes highlights the role of the #GuardiansOfTheForest and leaders like @GuajajaraSonia in protecting the f…
RT @Spektaakkeliyh1: Joskus kirja-asettelu voi olla merkki jostain :D
RT @alianzabosques: @GretaThunberg, this is our fight too! We are the #GuardiansoftheForest and we stand with you! From: @ACOFOP, Mayan Bi…
RT @Degiance: Okay i can't stop laughing at this.
RT @svuorikoski: Merivedestä menovedeksi – tutkijat onnistuivat valmistamaan polttoaineeksi kelpaavaa vetyä suoraan merivedestä  https://t.…
RT @SamCowie84: São Paulo: Folha interview with recently sworn in Erica Malunguinho, state's first trans legislator for left wing PSOL part…
RT @tlmota: bolsonaro: ai que maravilha vou dar entrevista na fox news a emissora pró-trump claro que vai ser moleza fox news: faz ligação…
@oula_silver Niin siis millainen ILMASTOtempaus on tämä roskien kerääminen?
RT @c_harig: The Brazilian military's upper echelons want to avoid 'excessive' public celebrations of the 55th anniversary of the coup in 1…
RT @dw_brasil: O Brasil enfrenta mortandade de abelhas em vários estados, em grande parte causada por pesticidas que há tempos já foram ban…
RT @SamCowie84: Será que agora a Fox configura como a extrema imprensa?
RT @mfox_us: Can we reiterate how concerning this is? Imagine Reagan visiting the KGB. Just a few years ago U.S. intelligence was actively…
RT @sappikivi: Ai jaa, että heikkoihin jäihin vajonnutta ihmistä pitäisi auttaa? Entä jos se on adolf Hitler?? Jolla on ase,, ja joka ampuu…
RT @lolaescreva: "Se eu fosse tudo isso [homofóbico, racista e misógino] eu não teria sido eleito presidente", diz #BolsonaroEnvergonhaoBra…
@apaatti Dr. Napkins, I presume.
RT @BrazilBrian: That time I spent 3 hours with Olavo de Carvalho
@Dimmu141 Tehdään näistä #Terminaalivaalit. Mutta siis noin muuten ihan itseäni viehättää tällainen rehellisen huol…
RT @proindio: “Protecting indigenous lands protects the environment. Trump and Bolsonaro threaten both” By Deb Haaland and Joênia Wapichana…
RT @Info_Activism: Our Open Call for Partners for The Glass Room Community Edition & the Data Detox Kit is out; pls #share & #apply by Fri…
RT @Info_Activism: Who’s behind the industry that helps to sway your vote? And what are they doing to get it? In case you missed it, the #…