Member activity

RT @raju: How a viral image of breasts exposes science's obsession with the male body | @JillFilipovic
RT @raju: India's urgent moment--and great opportunity--to rethink energy consumption and dependency is now: via @T…
RT @GreenAwakening: disturbing news—fossil-fuel giants pay the NYTimes and Washington Post to produce “advertorials” that look like news—pr…
RT @isankadesta: hesari kirjoittaa pilke silmäkulmassa vienosti ironisen arvostelun uudesta G-mersusta. kommenttiosiossa todetaan, että arv…
RT @GreenpeaceSuomi: Huono uutinen. Uudet #metsä -tehtaat lisäävät rajusti hakkuita, #hiilinielu pienenee, #ilmastonmuutos pahenee. Metsä G…
RT @Sustainable2050: Climate change to blame as bark beetles ravage central Europe's forests. "80% of Czech spruce forests are at high ris…
Toistan taas: jos joidenkin, niin EU-vaalien tulisi olla #ilmastovaalit. EU vastaa 9% maailman ghg-päästöistä - se…
RT @jasutyyppi: Sumiainen: Just normal people doing normal things
RT @Rainmaker1973: One man, one dog and 2000 sheep: again a time lapse that has so many physics and fluid dynamics references [source and f…
RT @Dimmu141: Steen1 uusi albumilla on ainakin kova nimi.
RT @marsusanoo: eihän tämä nyt helvetti voi olla todellista.
RT @jasonintrator: Jair Bolsonaro today announced on Twitter the end of public funding for departments of Philosophy and Sociology; Brazili…
RT @Jonny_Dodds: "Can I speak to your manager please?" "I AM the manager"
RT @nocoupinBrazil: Indigenous rights are under serious threat in Brazil. Let them know you stand with them at @ApibOficial #ATL2019 #te…
RT @evacide: Who uses Slack all the time to talk about sensitive projects? Journalists and activists. Who knows this? Nation state actors.…
RT @filosofemas: Brazilian Government To Defund Philosophy in Public Universities
RT @TuominenLinnea: Ihmisestä voi yrittää tehdä koneen osan, mutta onhan se ihan helvetin huono idea.
RT @Survival: NOW - protests outside Health Ministry in Brasilia, filmed by @Survival's @SarahDeeSvl. Paramilitary police blocking entrance…
RT @cris_aint_br: Some people are confortable to be punk only in first world countries: @DeadKennedys cancelled shows in Brazil because of…
RT @emicida: Salve, rapa! Ceis tão ligados que os catadores coletam 90% de tudo que o país recicla? E com o app Cataki ce chama os catadore…
RT @gabrieldread: Ciência colonialista, a thread
RT @Info_Activism: The Netflix-Twitter Complex An anatomy of a corporate smokescreen
RT @ruckusandstupor: Tämä ei tiedä muuta kuin ympäristön ja muunlajisten eläinten tuhoamisen jatkumoa ainakin seuraavat neljä vuotta. #kepu…
RT @fredmelopaiva: Os Dead Kennedys arregaram (Jello Biafra, o que diria?) mas os Garotos Podres, que abrem os shows em SP, Rio e Brasília,…
So twitter is like a plane: it has a business class and an economy class. The business class has its own rules. It…