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RT @carolecadwalla: This graph was just shown at the daily press briefing. What wasn't mentioned was what it shows. That UK is second only…
Warning over 'hidden effect of coronavirus' after grandfather's suicide
RT @edumerco: Diseño y sostenibilidad en @disenoydiaspora: para alquilar balcones y oírlo disfrutando al solcito...…
RT @inlandDesign: Tässä työnantajamme @Sisaministerio vappuisat vinkit tälle päivälle. Hyvää vappua kaikille ja pitäkäähän mielet lämpiminä…
Our joint artwork ”Where From Here” takes the form of episodic performances in a short film (shot on-site in NY & H…
So excited to be commissioned alongwith NY artist Lenore Malen @ParsonsFineArts @TheNewSchool for the timely & rele…
RT @ByDonkeys: Hi @Nigel_Farage. Tonight millions of Brits will clap for carers like Polish doctor Natka. Nobody will be clapping for you.…
“Construir en #madera es apostar a la #sostenibilidad porque es un recurso renovable, requiere poca energía durante…
Hospital chiefs 'increasingly frustrated' with UK testing failures
RT @carolecadwalla: I keep staring at this tweet. Honestly, if @matthancock can’t figure out what the problem with it is, we are in far far…
Great Read! Cool also to see @algorhythmics concepts re-oriented by @shannonmattern towards an Algorhythmic city wh…
Next on reading: Bernard Stiegler’s Neganthropocene,-/—Stiegler opens an entirely new front moving beyond the dead-…
RT @NicolaSturgeon: I’m just trying to do my job - as every other government is. This tendency to read malign motives when all any of us is…
RT @thatginamiller: . @doctor_oxford Sorry appears to be the hardest word for our politicians to say. @ONS data today shames them & made m…
Se acuerdan del episodio 88? donde hablamos de #textiles #indígenas #colaboración #tejedoras #participación y…
RT @hockendougal: “Supply chains aren’t a conveyor belt — they’re a ballet. And there are many, many ways this spectacular show can fall fl…
RT @NThylstrup: "Even with a bigger proportion of the world working from home, people still need the grid to keep the lights on and connect…
Qué leen, escuchan y miran nuestr@s entrevistado@s @disenoydiaspora? Hicmos una lista con las recomendaciones…
RT @ByDonkeys: On March 12th @BarackObama called for the cancellation of mass gatherings to save lives. On the same day @BorisJohnson let t…
A deflated Johnson struggles to muster his usual ebullience
'London is so strange and sad': the sacked hospitality workers sleeping rough
RT @NoraBateson: To be relevant in a living system is to generate vitality.What is that?It's relationships that build relationships that bu…
‘hay tener mucho olfato para saber qué metodología creativa elegir hacer en un momento determinado’…
RT @tobyhelm: Downing Street trying to get us to say trust in government not declining and to rewrite this story with new headline. Request…
RT @NoraBateson: If trillions are being pumped into the economy, it is a good time to create work in places where it is needed. Not luxe pr…
Covid-19 pandemic shines a light on a new kind of class divide and its inequalities
RT @bienpensado: Increíble la experiencia de #CiudadesComunes. Gracias por tanto @urbanohumano @agustinfrizzera y todo el equipo organizad…
...and then around the corner coming upon the remains of a seaside villa with beautiful paintings and graffiti, the…
Today went on an expedition to see Post-Oil landscapes at the old oil harbor in Laajasalo, Helsinki re-visiting the…
RT @pauladabos: Hoy sábado estamos participando de una clase especial con @Salgado en @uxditandil! Estamos tomando notas con @MURAL de mane…