Member activity : Ville Hyvönen
huh viimein saadaan digitaalisia efektejä teatteriin
in Los Angeles for few weeks, ping if around. DS masterclass and Cinegear.
RT @internetofshit: Hi!
Just letting you know you can't use your lights anymore because we're slathering your data around and GDPR is her…
se tunne kun huomaat et järkevän oloiset vegaanianarkistit juoksee mäkkäriin syömään ja ikeaan shoppailemaan
Childish Gambino and how the internet killed the cultural critic
5 books worth reading this summer via @billgates
Listened to Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Arthur Goldhammer, Thomas Piketty. Try #Audible and get it free:…
From Herzog to ‘Star Wars’: The Amazing History of an Industry-Changing LED via @nofilmschool
RT @jerichobrown: I don’t even want to think about what this one cat has planned for the other.
OH: Neljäs teollinen vallankumous: suuri mahdollisuus Kainuun matkailulle
RT @mutablejoe: He's making a list
He's checking it twice
He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice
Santa Claus is in contravention of arti…
@SelmaVilhunen Tätä kutsutaan nimellä ”Bisexual Lightning”
RT @dark_shark: David Bowie: The Man Who Loved Books #OnTheRoad #TheMasterAndMargarita #Lolita #AClockworkOrange ht…
RT @VICE: We spoke to the man who was Kubrick's personal assistant and central confidant for over 20 years.
Olispa jo syksy ja pöytiintarjoilu
RT @cinedatabase: Digital Sputnik is running a lighting workshop in LA before Cine Gear that I'm going to stop by and scan their set 📸 http…
RT @existentialcoms: by age 35 you should have robbed your first Bank to finance your underground communist newspaper that you smuggle acro…
RT @nytimesarts: "Rick and Morty" is dark, even to the point of being nihilistic; it is absurdist and it's like a meme or internet video. H…
With MyHeritage, 23andMe and many other "personal genomics" services you (or your DNA is) are still the product, no…
" Robotti ei palvele ketään. Aina käydessäni se on seinän vieressä ja puhuu jatkuvasti itsekseen."
RT @randal_olson: The population of #Manhattan, hour-by-hour. #NYC #dataviz
Listened to Dune by Frank Herbert. Try #Audible and get it free:
via @NYTimes
RT @Papapishu: gonna be haunted until my dying breath by the image of a camera turning into George Lucas
”we have none more fresh”
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