Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @bruceecurb: In other news...Brazil's Supreme Court rejects Temer's lawyers' request to drop the corruption charges against the current…
RT @Info_Activism: The politics of technological fiction - Fiction, more than a formula for understanding information, acts as a means of c…
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil: far right presidential front-runner Bolsonaro calls for an end of what he calls "victim culture" for LGBT, black pe…
RT @vpougy: Aos 34 anos, Eduardo Bolsonaro tem seus comentários autoritários perdoados porque ele é 'um menino imaturo'. O mesmo Eduardo qu…
RT @SasjaBeslik: 87% of assets managed by the world’s 100 largest public pension funds are yet to undergo a formal #climaterisk assessment.…
RT @mattyglesias: Facebook doesn’t want porn on their platform so there is no porn on their platform.
Facebook vaguely wants people to th…
RT @ggreenwald: You probably read about how @JairBolsonaro, in 2014, told a female colleague in Congress she was too ugly to "deserve" his…
RT @VarisVerkosto: Pahoinpitelystä ja muista rikoksista tuomittu Mika Ranta ilmoitti 23. lokakuuta 2018 palaavansa natsijärjestö Soldiers o…
RT @francismmaxwell: So if you are muslim, you can be thrown off a flight for having a 'serious conversation' in Arabic. But if you're whit…
RT @ENBrown: Literally the first thing I encountered in the vicinity of the Cruz/Trump rally was Alex Jones screaming at a pile of shit htt…
RT @tomphillipsin: "If you want to give him another name to sugarcoat Bolsonaro, go and find one," says @Haddad_Fernando…
RT @anukoivunen: Tämä aamulla lukemani pysäytti ja pysyy mielessä. Sehän tämän toiminnan tavoite on: pelottelu ja hiljentäminen. #vihapuhe…
RT @GugaNoblat: João Dória já se passou por gari, por pedreiro, por limpador de pichação e até por cadeirante. Tava demorando pra se fantas…
RT @KaarinaHazard: Respect, Janni Helistekangas! Tässä meillä on astronautti, ohjusnapin vartija, täsmäsyöttäjä, mihin nyt kylmää hermoa ik…
RT @gugtavas: Se ao menos tivesse algum órgão que punisse crimes eleitorais no Brasil
RT @JohannaJodie: OMG! Maajussien morsiot löysivät toisensa. 😍 #maajussillemorsian
RT @60SecDocs: She found another way to see the world. @JacquintaK Explore more with @60SecDocs
RT @William_Castro: Trabalhar pra pagar as amigas e ela
RT @doctorow: Every minute for three months, GM secretly gathered data on 90,000 drivers' radio-listening habits and locations…
RT @jmkorhonen: Global warming adds the energy of three Hiroshima bombs per second to the world’s oceans. This energy does not disappear; i…
RT @wrkclasshistory: #OtD 23 Oct 1956 a spontaneous nationwide revolt broke out across Hungary which saw thousands organise themselves into…
RT @_Saeen_: Classical liberals: "Outrage culture, identity politics & victimhood fetishization on the Left are alienating genuine liberals…
RT @WeDontHaveTime0: This speech can change the world. A new ”I have a dream...”
”The climate crisis has already been solved. We already h…
RT @BrazilianReport: A pundit from @RdGuaibaOficial, a radio station of the Record media group, resign on air this morning, after being for…
RT @mbauwens: The three-degree world: cities that will be drowned by global warming | Environment | The Guardian
RT @hekanaho: This Dog Recreated Madonna’s Iconic Photos, And The Attention To Detail Is Unbelievable | Bored Panda…
RT @MattiNummelin: IEA suomii turpeen käyttöä – suosittelee Suomelle erityiskohtelun lopettamista ja vihjaa jopa käytön nopeasta alasajosta…
RT @carapanarana: Bolsonaro usa eufemismo para ameaçar toda a oposição e a Jovem Klan continua na tarefa de ser uma rádio de merda. https:/…
RT @DLBiller: The Portuguese translation of "How Democracies Die'' has become the top-selling book on Amazon's local website, 6 days before…
RT @anna_split: Mm. Nälänhätä on ihmisen systemaattisesti aiheuttamaa. -Yasmeen Al-Eryani #PuhutaanJemenista Tarvitaan tukea ja luovaa soli…