Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @diogobatalha: "Vamos fuzilar a petralhada"
Fuzilam a Petralhada
"Eu não tenho culpa se meus eleitores cometem violência"…
RT @niksibotti: Älä hävitä vanhoja kassakuitteja, tekee helposti niistä hyvän maaliastian kesäisiin maalaussessioihin. Säästät näin lattioi…
RT @brumelianebrum: Jair Bolsonaro odeia tudo o que Marielle Franco representa, diz que vai acabar com as minorias que ela encarnava, que v…
RT @helikontio: Thai anti-dictatorship rap with subtitles. Good stuff. I'm in awe at their courage. #Thailand https…
RT @Vinncent: The guy makes little sense but apparently, he went up to the surveyor and angrily demanded he be interviewed and Datafolha sa…
RT @Vinncent: And from the Ibope polling service:
54 Bolsonaro x 46 Haddad
RT @ImpaktFestival: Expert meeting with @EliotHiggins , @Found_land and @FTM_nl about art, activism and journalism. How can they inspire ea…
RT @ImpaktFestival: .@EliotHiggins explains the @bellingcat method at #impakt2018
RT @wilmajuv: Vuoden yksi parhaimmista aamuista taas täällä. Kellojen siirrosta luopuminen, suuria ongelmia.
RT @pakolaisneuvo: Nykyinen lain muotoilu tilapäisen oleskeluluvan myöntämisestä ja vastaanottopalveluiden lakkauttaminen kielteisen päätök…
RT @Info_Activism: Social media ‘aids oppressors’, says Saudi rights campaigner
RT @Vinncent: An update from after his 1st-round victory - it's not enough to say Bolsonaro sometimes "praises the dictatorship" that ended…
@skedetys @HanneleVestola @Dimmu141 @SuomenPoliisi @KaiMykkanen Jos ne on kaikki myyria?
RT @GeorgeTakei: Trump falsely claimed that the migrant caravan had "Middle Eastern" people among it. The terrorist gunman Robert Bowers be…
RT @pablovillaca: Em MG, Zema só foi pro segundo turno porque declarou apoio a Bolsonaro. Agora, às vésperas da eleição, diz que discorda d…
RT @AymanM: Imagine a Muslim man, driving around in a truck, espousing a political ideology, sending bombs to kill the rivals of the politi…
RT @CodingRights: Great article from @javierpallero in @accessnow about how data manipulation is helping to spread disinformation in brazil…
RT @AleYoussef: O movimento para virar votos em defesa da democracia que partiu da sociedade civil, é a coisa mais bonita que vi em toda mi…
RT @Dimmu141: Hommaforumissa menee vahvasti. Kirjepommit olivat false-flag ja nyt myös synagoga ampuminen.
Mutta hei! Pitäisi muistaa, ett…
RT @BernardoMF: Bolsonaro foge dos debates, tenta desmerecer a imprensa e ameaça retaliar jornais e revistas que o criticam. O que fará se…
RT @LSPgalore: @HelsinkiPoliisi: "Emme silti aio puuttua PVL:n julkiseen toimintaan ennen hovioikeuden lakkauttamispäätöksen tulemista lain…
RT @harryreis: When @potus says “globalists,” he means Jews. When white supremacists have used this word as a dog whistle, he means Jews. W…
RT @Info_Activism: WhatsApp: The Widespread Use of WhatsApp in Political Campaigning in the Global South
RT @BernardoMF: Joaquim Barbosa, tratado como herói em atos contra o PT, diz que Bolsonaro “inspira medo” e declara voto no PT…
RT @Dimmu141: 8 kuollutta synagogaan ampumisessa USAssa tällä hetkellä. Poliisin radion mukaan ampuja on Rob Bowers ja hän ei tykkää juutal…
RT @Marcelodedois: Bom dia rapaziada ! Menos de 24 horas pra gente salvar o país da mão desses psicopatas apoiadores da tortura .... ainda…
RT @Vinncent: Joaquim Barbosa, Brazil's first black Supreme Court president and seen as an anti-corruption hero (and for a long time a hero…
RT @AntifaFinland: @suviauvi Onko sotujen jakaminen netissä laillista?
RT @Riogringa: Bolsonaro is trying to get Brazil’s electoral court to invalidate his opponent’s candidacy over...Roger Waters’ Brazil tour.…
RT @KaikkiMeni: Kaikki meni #106