Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @TeivoTeivainen: World-Ecology 2018 conference, that just started at University of Helsinki, can be seen online here:…
RT @cal_beu: it's been six days since Argentina voted to uphold its abortion ban, and a woman has already died from sepsis after attempting…
RT @TuomoLap: Nyt on sitten tultu siihen, että valtiovarainministeri joutuu selventämään ulkoministerin jäljiltä Suomen ulkopoliittista lin…
RT @Survival: "Jorginho’s body was found dumped by a stream which is renowned for being a dumping ground for Guajajaras killed by loggers o…
RT @zararah: Come work with me @engnroom – two positions on our fantastic Research team just opened up! If the role of Senior Project Manag…
RT @TheTweetOfGod: When you kill in My name I feel like you don’t think I can kill for Myself, and that makes Me sad.
RT @rankingrights: Brazilian president signs data protection bill
RT @Stefferi: Välillä vähän ihmetyttää suomalaisen keskustelun catchphrase "Ihmisoikeudet eivät ole mielipidekysymys". Suomessa kun tuntuu…
RT @nowthisnews: Fox News tried coming after Denmark's social safety net. This Danish politician's retort was legendary.…
RT @Dimmu141: Turussa lauantaina on kaksi äärioikeistolaista mielenosoitusta. Yksi on PVLn ja toinen Kansallismielisten Liittoumaan,jossa p…
RT @VarisVerkosto: Local swedish speaking newspaper in Turku, Åbo Underrättelser, in July: "the goal of NRM nazis is as the (isis) terror…
@Janne6nen Ensin hyvat uutiset: kitarisaleikkaus onnistui. Sitten ne ne huonot...
@JussiU @LSPgalore @TurkuUutiset Onko sille jotain kuvaavaa suomenkielista sanaa, kun ripulia valuu lahkeeseen?
@Janne6nen ´the doctor blew it´ XD
RT @existentialcoms: Philosophers generally fall into five categories: 1. System builders. 2. Puzzle solvers. 3. Skeptics. 4. Cultural crit…
RT @ARautiainen: Green Grass recordsilla oli kampanja Perttu Häkkisen perheen hyväksi eilen, lupaavat jatkoa:
We decided to congregate and debate politics in the shopping mall instead of the public square. Now the owner of th…
RT @Info_Activism: How media coverage of epidemics helps raise anxiety and reduce trust
RT @Info_Activism: Democracy is cracking and platforms are no help. What can we do about it? Some policy suggestions
RT @mustapipa: That moment when you realise you have gotten the public engagement completely wrong.
RT @wmmna: The Festival of Algorithmic and Mechanical Movement is opening its call for proposals #algomerch #algome…
RT @peterprengaman: In defiant act, Brazil party registers Lula for president (from @AP) By ⁦@MSavarese⁩ ⁦@sdilorenzo⁩ ⁦@eraldoperes⁩ ⁦@Dia…
RT @poskiparta: #Puolimatka on huolissaan, että #porttiteoria johtaa pedofilian laillistamiseen. Kun asiaa tarkastelee Katolisen kirkon näk…
RT @gquimbayo: Plenary session 2 at #WERN2018 's conference. Different but complementary visions about capitalist world-ecologies: Andrej G…
RT @NiklasKaskeala: Moni poliitikko sanoo näin #budjettiriihi ’n alla, että on vastuutonta jättää velkataakkaa lapsillemme. Aika monelle nä…
RT @elpais_brasil: Entrevista | Aos 5 meses da morte da vereadora, Mônica Benício conta como Marielle se tornou o amor da sua vida e explic…