Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @BrasilWire: On this day in 1975, Brazilian secret police DOI-CODI murdered journalist Vladimir Herzog, and staged his fake suicide. Hea…
RT @theintercept: U.S. lawmakers want “severe consequences” for Brazil if Jair Bolsonaro delivers on promised violence…
RT @MSQsto: -Montako setäuckkelsia tarvitaan vaihtamaan hehkulamppu?
-Sitä ei saa sanoa.
RT @mehdirhasan: Me on this ridiculous 'migrant caravan' story and a reminder that the real story should *still* be migrant kids in detenti…
RT @Shakestweetz: "The FBI arrested a man in Town of Madison, Wisconsin, on Wednesday for 'trying to buy radioactive material with the inte…
RT @Stefferi: Kuinka monta valtamediassa näkyvään asemaan nostettua julkimon kirjoittajaa artikkelia aiheesta "Nykyisin ei saa enää sanoa m…
RT @hekanaho: Akavan Sture Fjäderin tuoli heiluu: Moni liitto on "todella tyrmistynyt" puheenjohtajan maahanmuuttajapuheista, OAJ ja TEK od…
RT @PasiPennanen: Sanat ja niiden selitykset:
"Maahanmuuttokriittinen" = vihaa muslimeja
"Ulkoparlamentaariset voimat" = joku muu etujärjes…
RT @ggreenwald: João Doria is a leading candidate to be Governor of São Paulo. His father was a state representative at the time of the mil…
RT @Fuzzy_Fuzzbutt: @realDonaldTrump
RT @SyksyRasanen: Miksei @yleuutiset voi suoraan kirjoittaa, että "palestiinalaisia sorretaan"?
Muuten juttu on Ylen artikkeliksi poikkeuk…
RT @JuliusJaas: "The biggest problem is that because of this visual deluge, people associate architecture with luxury and exclusivity, inst…
RT @HuhtelaJussi: Käräjäoikeuden mukaan niin sanotun vihapuheen kaltaisina ilmaisutavaltaan herjaavat ja häpäisevät viestit eivät nauti san…
RT @ThiagoManzotti: Dono da Havan, Coco Bambu e agora o Empresário Roberto Justus...
O empresariado em peso apostando no Bolsonaro.
RT @astroehlein: Because all people targeted have previously been named by Trump as his enemies or are critics of him, the unknown terroris…
RT @hebaamin: Listen up world, we must learn from #Ethiopia: "I urge you all, to uphold our peace, in the name of a mother, who is the firs…
RT @karinegarcez: Senador mais votado de Alagoas, Rodrigo Cunha (PSDB) negou oficialmente apoio a Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) no segundo turno. O…
RT @CANEurope: BREAKING📣MEPs just called to increase the EU's 2030 target to 55% in the @Europarl_EN position for #COP24.
Now the EU must…
RT @theintercept: Free speech and political expression in the Middle East are in desperate straits. This phenomenon, of which Jamal Khashog…
RT @GeorgeTakei: How many refugees have you encountered while living in America? The number is probably low to zero, especially for those f…
RT @sivavaid: Economic models don’t raise wages. Unions do.
RT @FaiMujer: How Terrifyingly Deep the Crisis of Violence Against #Indigenous Women Runs : Native women are 2.5 times more likely to be ra…
RT @liliebayer: CEU set to leave Hungary: Possibly the most dramatic moment of the day was when a university official said that the move to…
RT @KaikkiMeni: Kaikki meni #105
RT @SocialLore: Today marks 43 years since Icelandic women walked out and refused to work, cook and look after children for a day.
Today Ic…
RT @bzbrad: Bolsonaro could be the first President in Latin America to win office campaigning against China. But senior executives and dipl…
RT @AnthonyBoadle: Brazil’s Bolsonaro’s son shows off the family’s core values via @BW
RT @tifo_fi: Facebookille lopullinen sakko Cambridge Analytica-casessa UK:ssa.
*Käyttäjien some-dataa ei luovutettu CA:lle, mutta ”put at s…
RT @domphillips: Bolsonaro backers wage war on the rainforest. My @guardian report from the Amazon state of Rondônia for @guardian. https:/…
RT @niksibotti: Hukkuiko sormikkaalta pari? Saat tukevan ja nätin telineen nostamalla sen kukkien suojaruukun sisälle. Tämä onnistuu myös h…