Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
@ehubbed @bruceecurb What is your point exactly? Mourão´s use of that quote seems to reinforce its prejudiced meaning.
@romanticdior @bruceecurb ´E a malandragem, Edson Rosa [vereador negro presente na mesa], nada contra, mas a maland…
@ehubbed @bruceecurb ´E a malandragem, Edson Rosa [vereador negro presente na mesa], nada contra, mas a malandragem…
RT @PJRantala: Järjestän antifasistista miekkaria ja saan kaiken sen kanssa, mukaanlukien jutun MV-lehteen ja sen lieveilmiöt. Tällaisien u…
RT @EticasFdn: Big Data is pretty much everywhere these days, and what happens when data are inaccurate, incomplete, outdated...? In other…
RT @isankadesta: miettikää tilannetta että omistaisitte pikavippifirman ja kun niitä ollaan kieltämässä, perustelette tarpeellisuuttanne sa…
RT @daniadmiss: A great interview on “Treebour” by Marija Bozinovska Jones w, collab @r_gealga - a conceptualisation of immaterial labour p…
RT @BarentsNews: Young Sámi artist Sunna Kitti’s works of art are gloomy, but they also express a spirit of hope and community (via @YleSáp…
@JoriEskolin kaunis ilmaisu tuo ´palautettiin saattaen´
@JariJskelinen puoluetoveri koijannut vai hakkarainen tietoisesti mukana saunagatessa?
RT @JariJskelinen: Helkutin hyvä!
RT @adamjohnsonNYC: making veiled threats of terror attacks is a popular Saudi response to having arm deals threatened. From 2008:
RT @STTuutiset: Poliisi kertoo STT:lle epäilevänsä työsyrjintää toisenkin Aamulehden päätoimittajakandidaatin kohdalla. Jo aiemmin on epäil…
RT @luciocaramori: Você é mulher e não sabe em quem votar nas próximas eleições (ou conhece alguém assim)? Então deixa eu contar PORQUE BOL…
RT @ARautiainen: Berkeley police under fire for publishing anti-fascist activists' names and photos
RT @LSPgalore: Mitäs ne on aina sanoneet, että "lainkuuliaisella ihmisellä ei ole mitään pelättävää" tjsp.
Poliisi siis rikkoo lakeja amma…
RT @antroblogi: #Israel'in sorretuista arabivähemmistöistä heikoimmassa asemassa ovat Negevin aavikolla asuvat beduiinit. Heidän harjoittam…
RT @CuriousZelda: Suddenly it hit me.
This was the wrong wall.
RT @DLBiller: 👇👇Marina Silva, afro descendant #Brazil presidential candidate, says racism and extremism a dangerous combo, responding to Bo…
RT @nerdjpg: What if you told a dog to sit and it did this
@villeh00 Pitais varmaan vaantaa taustat tahan
RT @kengarex: High speed laser engraving.
RT @theintercept: For parents deported without their children, the lack of information from the U.S. government is excruciating https://t.c…
RT @bruceecurb: Brazil inherited its laziness from its indigenous peoples and its deceit from its African immigrants, according to General…
RT @nathanwpyle: I have drawn the world’s worst pun
@TTToivanen `We need to answer a question that we barely even know how to ask: what will we do with ourselves as a…
RT @TTToivanen: 'The apocalyptic tone of heatwave-reporting doesn’t go far enough. Not when the issue is human extinction'…
RT @walkermag: Destruction of his studio is only part of the story, says Ai Weiwei (@aiww): authorities are also razing migrant housing in…
RT @bopanc: Useful reminder that democracy as we know it is very young, very scarce, fragile and in retreat.
RT @vaelluskalanet: Simpukkakuolemat vaihtuivat kalakuolemiksi Enäjärvellä – Järvestä on nostettu satoja kiloja kuolleita kaloja https://t.…