Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @AnthonyBoadle: #Blow to Bolsonaro as #Brazil top court judge reopens probe into his son Flavio
RT @ciminacional: Em Edimburgo, na Escócia, manifestantes também demonstraram sua solidariedade aos povos indígenas do Brasil e seu apoio a…
RT @computerfact: in the future everyone will have their fifteen minutes of privacy
RT @MMaxakali: Rompem barragens, matam os nossos rios e desmatam nossas florestas agora quer nos devolver? Devolvem o Brasil pra nós do jei…
RT @Rainmaker1973: The Mandelbulb is a 3-dimensional fractal: since a canonical 3-dimensional Mandelbrot set does not exist, it is possible…
RT @AntiBDSApp: 🚨 Israel’s official app is directing its users to mass report a video by @amnesty (which criticizes tourism in illegal sett…
RT @sophialeppa: En tiedä onko sanan syrjintä merkitys nyt siellä poliisissa oikein selvillä.
RT @nowthisnews: A dam collapse killed more than 60 people and ruined this Indigenous tribe's home — now they blame the 'white man' and cor…
Haluaisin muistuttaa, että myös osittain suomalaisomisteinen selluteollisuus aiheuttaa haittaa vesistölle, josta pa…
RT @BrazilianReport: UPDATE: The number of deaths in #Brumadinho reached 99 and there are 259 people missing. The police reported that from…
In Finland we have this thing called fuck you academic paywall!
RT @MariPantsar: Kiire tässä tulee, tai siis on jo. @MarikoLands'n hyvä kuva: nykypäästöillä jäljellä oleva hiilibudjetti 1,5 asteen lämp…
RT @PiiaPentti: "Bauer vaati pamfletissaan, että juutalaiskysymys on ratkaistava ja juutalaiset karkotettava Saksasta. Juutalaisista tehtii…
RT @41Strange: This Rockstar is the Saturniidae moth caterpillar, armed with poison spines
RT @OwenKelly: 12:34 UTC today: episode 9 of the MIAAW podcast. Sophie Hope @alicemellings & Jonathan Gross @JontyGross on autobiography, c…
RT @pekkarahko: Evoluutiota saarilla: Korsikan puukiipijät (Certhia familiaris corsa) hyvää vauhtia matkalla omaksi lajikseen. "Our study…
...and here's a civil action against the producer of the fake documentary:'s Brazil's public prosecutors demand to prohibit the fake documentary: ...
RT @glovink: Amazing victory: Uber leaves Barcelona, next will be Madrid... and Amsterdam after Uber drivers killed many pedestrians becaus…
RT @thirstygecko: Your occasional reminder that tree rings and other paleoclimate proxies reveal to us that Northern Hemisphere temperature…
...Please report these posts and Youtube clips since they violate both platforms' community rules as highly harmful…
Brazil: A news story claiming that minister Damares has adopted an indigenous child without consent has provoked ma…
RT @milotoivonen: Orpo ei usko että laeilla voidaan säädellä asioita. Vai niin. Minäpä uskon, että Orpo kyllä tietää paremmin, ja ei vaan h…
RT @JenioQuadros: Grandes personagens brasileiros: - Padre do Balão - ET Bilu - Grávida de Taubaté - Ocultista do Acre - Doutor Bumbum - M…
RT @deolhonoagro: Iniciativa da Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil, Janeiro Vermelho denuncia invasões a territórios e protesta cont…
RT @SarahDeeSvl: 📽️ Indígenas Awá, Tremembé, Tenetehar, Ka'apor, Gamela e mais marchando hoje em protesto histórico de #JaneiroVermelho I…
RT @Miinusmaa: Miten mulle tulee tästä mieleen @persut -sidosryhmien somebännireaktiot? 🤔