Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @GreenpeaceBR: Em três anos a Vale causou as maiores tragédias socioambientais do Brasil. Quem pode garantir que outras barragens não es…
RT @oeufelia: One thing I won’t ever do again is build a snow dalek. I did that when we lived at our old house as the kids were into Dr Who…
RT @heisaana: Oujee. Ihmiset on upeimmillaan silloin, kun ne pukeutuu just kuten tahtoo. Hurmaava Cristal.👌
RT @socioambiental: Após a tragédia de #Brumadinho, movimentos sociais do Pará, onde pode ser instalada a mineradora #BeloSun, na Volta Gra…
RT @Petri2020: Pitää olla aika moraalit... eikun sinisilmäinen suomalainen ICT-insinööri, jos ehdoin tahdoin menee #Oulu #Tampere töihin yh…
RT @furtherfield: "The Philosophy of Cosplay" by @vocal_creators
RT @Survival: Is this you? We need someone passionate about all things social who will connect with audiences, target influencers, stimulat…
RT @cynaramenezes: os heróis de brumadinho
fotos: IDF/ bombeiros-MG…
RT @EerolaSami: @Dimmu141 Aina luottamusta herättävää, että kansanedustaja kuluttaa päivänsä keksimällä, miten tehdä itsestään aasin netissä
RT @Peacharu_: This encounter seems very intimate and magical, like a moment in a dream
RT @thingsintersect: Choosing what photos to put on Instagram in order to make sure you can afford basic health care... performing your li…
RT @KoomikkoKivi: Twitteristi Juho julkaisee itsestään kuvan mekossa, koska haluaa puolustaa 4-vuotiasta Lenniä, joks pitää mekoista.
RT @41Strange: Photographer Herbert van der Beek captures rare moment Jaguar dives to catch food
RT @BernardoMF: Deputado pastor e policial toma posse de farda e Bíblia na mão. Ele é contra a liberação das armas e promete criar a “banca…
RT @kenklippenstein: Short answer? No.
Long answer? Also no
RT @tumocenter: "Soviet architecture in Almaty, Kazakhstan’s former capital, is distinguished by its bright, elaborate motifs. Dennis Keen…
RT @biret: HS: Virginian kuvernööri poseerasi Ku Klux Klan -asussa tai kasvot mustattuina – demokraattikollegat vaativat hänen eroaan https…
RT @MikeHudema: These microgrids allow houses to share energy. They've already "helped one Dutch village become 90% energy self-sufficient"…
RT @submedia: Pipeline workers are ripping down forests and homes in unceded #Wetsuweten territory. The RCMP, created to steal land from i…
RT @mpl_sp: Ato no Grajaú contra o aumento da tarifa e contra os cortes de linhas! Todo apoio ao Jd. Do União #4e30Não #ChegaDeAumento http…
RT @isgoodrum: Hey look, the exact thing everyone said would happen. Huh.
RT @Makno20: That shit with homeless people dying in the street in Chicago is literally VIOLENCE.
Capitalism let a bunch of people die an…
RT @AMelaranta: Menee kyllä jo jonkin rajan yli, kun koulu ja sen myötä sen oppilaat joutuvat tällaisen kampanjoinnin kohteeksi. Mitä jos k…
RT @veronikahonka: Muistan kun edesmennyt isoäitini ei yöllä kaaduttuaan raaskinut painaa hälytysranneketta, vaan makasi lattialla aamuun j…
RT @michael_connor: #386DX went busking today and raised $2.50 for @rhizome, it was glorious
RT @th1an1: #Germany: The #Brazilian embassy in #Berlin redecorated in the early hours of Friday morning.
Against police states and fascist…
RT @cris_aint_br: De novo, pessoal de Berlim dá o recado na embaixada do Brasil.
Huge if true.