Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @simonjjacobson: @davidgraeber
RT @zs_june: Tämä narratiivi on huonosti tutkittu ja vastuuton. Suomelaisena kiinalaisena vastustan sitä täysin. Tämä artikkeli ehkä kiinno…
RT @GUngpakorn: เราไม่ลืมนักประชาธิปไตยที่ถูกเผด็จการฆ่า We shall not forget the murdered activists. #สุรชัยแซ่ด่าน #Surachai #อาชญากรรมรัฐ…
Tässä on kyllä vähän sellaisen selittelyn makua.
RT @GreenpeaceBR: Três anos após Mariana, a Vale mata mais um rio, despedaça famílias e causa danos incalculáveis ao meio ambiente. Esse cr…
RT @astroehlein: In international relations, boring is good.
Boring, technocratic solutions have kept the peace between EU countries for…
RT @giphz: eu tambem sei fazer olha so
RT @IWGIA: 370 million #IndigenousPeoples in the world speak more than 4,000 languages, but the majority of the languages are in danger of…
RT @Survival: The Yanomami use approximately 500 different species of plants on a daily basis. The world needs tribal peoples; they are ext…
RT @fion_li: #Crypto Is Over: Paris #Fintech Summit Returns to Disrupting Banks @business @crypto
RT @emirsader: Elio Gaspari: “Uma Lava Jato para as mineradoras” via @iG
Trigger warning: suicide, state repression
RT @davidgraeber: the definition of a liberal is the combination of cluelessness and condescension: like the guy who lectured me how if fas…
RT @mustapipa: Vartiainen tyrmää lakiin kirjatun hoitajamitoituksen: ”Tuo mieleen sen, miten Neuvostoliitossa mitattiin tuotannon onnistumi…
RT @JuliusJaas: Mainstream political discourse in Finland today: to mandate a minimum number of nurses per patient in publicly funded senio…
RT @pablovillaca: Bolsonaro nos representou bem.
RT @WeDontHaveTime0: This 👇 looks beautiful but it's a nightmare. Millions of encapsulated methane bubbles in Abraham Lake, Alberta, Canada…
@DamaresAlves Quem ama, DEMARCA!
RT @EmbassyofRussia: 53 years ago, on 3 February 1966, Soviet space probe Luna-9 performed first-ever soft landing on the #Moon marking an…
RT @aksuliini22: Hyvät naiset ja herrat, merijänis (Jorunna parva).
RT @iresimpsonsfans: This morning’s called from Downing Street to Brussels
RT @ajplus: In Indonesia, activists are recycling food from weddings to feed the poor in Jakarta slums.
RT @SuperCoolOhYES: The veterinarian has an assistant doggo to comfort the sick doggo patients and let them know everything is going to be…
RT @JuliusJaas: Western Open Democratic Society in action: Dearly esteemed Mr Netanyahu could you please kill slightly fewer innocent kids…
RT @IlonMilitantti: Pitäisikö tässä kiltisti äänestää ja istua ja katsoa kun selkärangattomat poliitikot pelaa venäläistä rulettia tulevill…
RT @Survival: Protected zones are being set up to fail in Africa, overwhelmed by the same popular opposition that ensured the retreat of co…
RT @SarahDeeSvl: O que é o amor? ♥️
A Ministra @DamaresAlves, responsável pela @funaioficial agora, diz que ela "ama demasiadamente os pov…
RT @SuperCoolOhYES: Khajit has coin but no wares
RT @Vinncent: Not trying to besmirch any particular political position from any given country, but we really need to move past the whole, "…