Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @ArtyomTonoyan: If you grew up in Leninakan in Soviet Armenia in 1980s and you did not stop by Uncle Misha's pharmacy to peer through th…
RT @jliski: "Ajan mittaan silmä tottuu", selittää Turun kaupunki funikulaaria. Siinäpä iskulause, joka tiivistää kaupungin kehittämisen hen…
RT @artolampila: Kehnosta toteutuksesta huolimatta #perustulo kokeilun ensimmäiset tulokset ovat mielenkiintoisia. Jos työllisyysvaikutus o…
Tää on kyllä itkunaurattavin veto syyttää jotain Afrikan väestökasvua ilmastonmuutoksesta :D
@AmerikanHannes @MattiMorttinen Afrikkalaiset ja aasialaiset eivät ole syypäitä nykyiseen tilanteeseen. Pääasiassa…
RT @TheInterceptBr: Uma semana atrás, a ciclovia Tim Maia estava “sem problema nenhum” e as pessoas “poderiam usar com toda segurança”. Ont… wrong with these people?
RT @cynaramenezes: "meninos de 3 anos chupam o pipi do coleguinha" e outras bizarrices sexuais que a ministra damares dizia estar acontecen…
RT @Jemm: @PicturesFoIder
RT @PicturesFoIder:
RT @domphillips: Rio City Hall says Flamengo only licensed to use area where teenage players died in fire tragedy as a parking lot. https:/…
RT @S0cialEcologist: "The opposite of nature isn't #plastics. That's a very false dichotomy that comes out of colonial science." @MaxLiboir…
RT @MidiaNINJA: A Polícia MIlitar de São Paulo agrediu professoras hoje, 7, em momento que juíza passava com seu carro de luxo. Servidores…
RT @kenolin1: Wow. The GOP is outraged at a guy who admits that as a 15 year-old he wore blackface to mimic African Americans. I can’t imag…
RT @theintercept: Journalists, lawyers, and activists working on the border face coordinated harassment from U.S. and Mexican authorities h…
RT @amazonianativa: "As organizações indigenistas continuam sendo necessárias porque o Estado não cumpre a sua função. O estado não vai res…
RT @AwwwwCats: Here he comes
RT @ajplus: The murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi was "planned and perpetrated" by Saudi officials, says the UN official who's leading a…
After freezing rain in Michigan, apples that hadn’t been picked got coated in ice. Many fell off the tree…
RT @SarahDeeSvl: "Esse Presidente está agindo por fora da lei. A constituição federal não fala que o Estado deve matar os povos indígenas."…
RT @ShastaReports: Fire at Brazilian Youth Soccer Dormitory Kills 10 - a dream turned nightmare for soccer hopefuls, many from underprivile…
RT @adamconover: When you "tip" an Amazon driver, the driver doesn't receive that money as a bonus. Instead, Amazon uses it to pay them the…
RT @theintercept: Jeff Bezos protests the invasion of his privacy as Amazon builds a sprawling surveillance state for everyone else https:/…
RT @Samir_Bhowmik: What a striking image! We will be carrying our computers even perhaps after computation ends..... #humansoflatecapitalis…
RT @elgranjuego: The plot thickens...
RT @Tanelihamalaine: Perustulokokeilun karu saldo: Perustuloa saaneet kokivat hyvinvointinsa parantuneen
RT @linjaaho: ”Viranomaisen valvontakäynnit kääntyvät teatteriksi, koska viranomainen ilmoittaa niistä tarkastuksen kohteelle yleensä hyvis…
RT @brunoformiga: O Flamengo é do Rio. Mas as vítimas vêm do Brasil inteiro. Eram sonhos. Garotos que abdicaram da infância, da família, pe…
RT @PatoCorporation: Quando o ministro da justiça de um país afirma q "a Constituição não deve ser interpretada de forma literal", como dis…
RT @ylijuonikas: Tuli mieleen, että voisin tänään yrittää etsiä tätä kirjaa #lukukaaos-pyörteen keskeltä.