Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @MartinScheininF: Surullinen uutinen. Pääministeri haluaa jatkaa saamelaisten roikottamista löysässä hirressä. #Jäämerenrata ei toteudu,…
RT @CintiaL91011679: @lolaescreva As pessoas dizem que o presidente não tem culpa dessa violência, mas esquecem que em sua campanha eleitor…
RT @estherschindler: Women's Pockets are Inferior. You already knew this, but here is data to prove it. (And also a very cool visualization…
RT @JamilChade: Oposição venezuelana recebeu milhões em propinas e caixa 2 da Odebrecht em contas secretas na Suíça. @estadao: https://t.…
RT @Levonsalo: Yksi taktisesti sijoitettu anteeksipyyntö voisi näyttää paljon paremmalta kuin nolo kiemurtelu ja väärinymmärretyn esittämin…
RT @revpeterlaws: I just ran these four iconic horror characters through a smiley #FaceApp and now they just look like four happy fellas, h…
RT @mustapipa: Oikeisto 2016: "Kaikenmaailman dosentit." Oikeisto 2019: "Asiantuntijat ovat kuin maata tuhoava vihollisen divisioona." Ky…
RT @biasescholar: Society has to be grateful that black people only want equality, because if they wanted revenge, it would be a different…
RT @livingarchitect: Scientists may have finally found the universe's missing matter
RT @SlenderSherbet: Player 3 has entered the game. #Caturday
RT @AbbyMartin: In the most impoverished country in the Western hemisphere, Haitians have been protesting for days demanding the ouster of…
RT @Lubchansky: finally found this comic that i think about all the time. 1996!!!!!
RT @MikeHudema: Germany just launched the world's first hydrogen-powered train. It emits nothing but water and steam! We have solutions t…
RT @_SJPeace_: This little boy in the wheelchair is Wyatt. He wanted to jump on a trampoline and TNT in North Dakota didn't say he can't…
RT @jaoavengers: caso esteja tendo um dia ruim, aqui está um vídeo de um gato fazendo carinho em uma capivara
RT @OliverStuenkel: Pivô de escândalo, sigla de Bolsonaro contesta leis contra corrupção no país
RT @natalieben: From @newsfromnowhere - a powerful message of how we all pay for the Great Parasite Amazon. #Liverpool @LiverpoolGreens htt…
RT @lasitten: Nyt kun tienvarsimainonta näyttää olevan hip ja cool ja hot content niin haluun vaan muistuttaa, että... #kokoomus #ilmastova…
RT @womensart1: Born on this day, 'Pixie' Colman Smith, illustrator, writer, occultist, traditional storyteller, magician and lesbian who d…
RT @AnandWrites: This. What felt like a crazy thing to say a few years ago is, more and more, the basic, accepted truth.…
RT @Shvartacus: Twitter is wild because the dumbest people are like “Mayhaps you have slandered me with that ad hominem” and the smartest p…
RT @luizguiprado: “Não é machismo, é que ela é uma parlamentar e precisa se vestir de acordo”