Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @ambrowoll: @PiaLisaSundell @Kirsipimia @JukkaKeskitalo @yhdenvertaisuus
RT @ClimateEcho: Miksi tästä puhutaan nyt niin paljon? - No, me olemme yhteiskuntana, kansalaisina, yrittäjinä, päättäjinä ja vanhempina ep…
RT @NuclearAnthro: ...that’s not great.
What we have here is a developing escalation spiral.
Discourse will be full of words like “rees…
RT @hirvasjanne: #espoovaltuuston porvarisiipi ei viitsinyt luopua edes kinkustaan sämpylänsä välissä. On surullista, ettei sanat ole muutt…
RT @BrazilianReport: Sentenced to almost 200 years, former governor of Rio Sergio Cabral finally acknowledged he has pocketed kickbacks whi…
RT @ajplus: Ivanka Trump told Fox News that "a guaranteed minimum is not something most people want."
According to the Pew Research Center…
RT @ctornaghi: First black woman to head Rio state legislature Human Rights commission - unanimous vote. Congratulations @renatasouzario ht…
RT @folha: Após derrota na Câmara, Bolsonaro revoga decreto que mudava Lei de Acesso
RT @cristinaarfrei1: As crianças aceitam cantar o hino nacional desde que Moro seja o ministro da educação,pq aí elas poderão passar de an…
RT @crisvector: Ao Vivaço que chama.
RT @rubensvalente: Ministério do Meio Ambiente quer núcleo com poder de anular multas do Ibama . Tivemos acesso à minuta do ministro Ricard…
RT @SamCowie84: It's a real sign of the times in Brazil when Janaina, of flag swinging and snake republic fame, becomes a voice of reason.…
RT @CuriousZelda: I do a hide
Around the back
I count to five
And den attack
RT @intervozes: Recentemente, no Brasil, a @CodingRights e o Intervozes submeteram uma série de pedidos de acesso à informação sobre o uso…
RT @mikkoaarnio: Sininen tulevaisuus pähkinänkuoressa.
RT @Brainmage: Hey Siri. Show me the opposite of a cat.
RT @luciocaramori: RT se você cantou o Hino Nacional quando criança e, mesmo assim, virou esquerdista, gayzista, abortista, maconhista.
RT @EvilCEOE: Instead of "anti-vaxxers" we should call them "plague enthusiasts"
RT @okohonen: How many adults does it take to mitigate climate change?
RT @bruceecurb: To boost its soft power, the Brazilian foreign office is planning to create a cultural institute to promote Brazilian cultu…
RT @nowthisnews: This vegan ‘salmon’ burger tastes just like the real thing
RT @KaarinaHazard: Toimittajat ja @oulunpoliisi - jos nämä eivät ole viharikoksia, miksei näitä tutkita uskonrauhan häpäisynä, vaan vahingo…
RT @TheOnion: Trump Solemnly Lays Wreath At Site Where He Would Have Died During Vietnam War If He Weren’t Rich htt…
@apaatti Internet of Bongs
RT @Natsivahti1: Uudenmaan persunuorten pj. Pyry-Lii Soinio ja vpj. Linus Linsen poseeraavat yhdysvaltalaisen, valkoisten ylivallan propaga…
RT @RuthHHopkins: What an embarrassment. How is this our reality?
RT @Duarte_Cau: Após dois anos de queda, casos de dengue crescem 149% no Brasil
Balanço já aponta 55 mil casos, co…
RT @cris_aint_br: BRAZIL - Condemnation against anarchist and communist activists persecuted in Rio de Janeiro 2014 is overruled because of…
RT @Casamarianne: Climate change an 'imminent' security threat, risk experts say. #ilmastovaalit #maahanmuutto #mig…
RT @hirvasjanne: Posti ei millään keksi, mitä se voisi tehdä, jotta asunnottomat eivät menetä viimeistä linkkiä viralliseen yhteiskuntaan 🙃…