Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @tesoureirosdoJB: Atenção pra não passar FakeNews adiante sobre a relação dos Bolsonaro com os assassinos de Marielle. A primeira é de E…
RT @theintercept: Authorities compiled dossiers on journalists and advocates, and in some cases, restricted their ability to travel followi…
RT @Peters_Glen: "We have 12 years to act if a warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius is to be avoided." Myles Allen @ecioxford has a few nice way…
RT @karoliinauvinen: Tieteellinen näyttö ilmastonmuutoksesta ja ihmisen osuudesta siihen on kiistämätöntä. Jos emme toimi pian, valtavat lu…
RT @AlexSteffen: Like others, I've been thrilled by the sonar-spotting of a monster 14-foot sturgeon swimming around the Hudson River. It'…
RT @A_Ahokas: Juuri näin! 🌍💪💚#ilmastolakko
RT @MariPantsar: Ilmansaasteet, pääasiassa fossiilisista polttoaineista, aiheuttavat Euroopassa 790000 ennenaikaista kuolemaa vuodessa: kak…
RT @ggreenwald: The key point: this is just the first step in this case, not the last. These police officers were paid assassins. They had…
RT @proindio: Após fundir a secretaria do Meio Ambiente com as de Saneamento e Recursos Hídricos e de Energia e Mineração, o governador de…
RT @socioambiental: “Não precisamos plantar soja. Temos a nossa roça, mandioca, milho, pesca, caça. O governo tem que respeitar o nosso mod…
RT @ggreenwald: Marielle Franco spent not just the last decade of her life, but the last days of her life, denouncing & working to stop ext…
RT @RainforestNORW: Brilliant work by #Environmental Investigation Agency (@EIA_News) and great piece by @Mongabay!
RT @domphillips: President Bolsonaro tweets that Folha story about an army colonel taking over new special communication department is "fak…
RT @domphillips: Two ex-police officers arrested over murder of Brazilian politician. Mine for @guardian This story will be updated. https:…
RT @SamCowie84: one of the former cops arrested in connection with the murder of Marielle Franco this morning has a house in the same condo…
RT @jonathanwatts: Resource extraction responsible for half world’s carbon emissions, finds new reporting on mining and farming https://t.c…
RT @pense_fora: @SamCowie84 Imagino Moro Juiz do caso Marielle. Imagino Moro utilizando a técnica processualista importada denominada Teor…
RT @SamCowie84: just to elaborate, same reporter that the president tried to smear on Sunday night put out this story today (and has a long…
RT @GreenpeaceBR: A Amazônia e o Cerrado são super importantes para o equilíbrio do ciclo da água em toda a América Latina. Ou seja, desmat…
RT @monica_benicio: Parabéns às promotoras, e a todos os envolvidos. Espero poder ter acesso aos detalhes para que sinta segurança nesse re…
RT @rmack: Important update from @derechosdigital on @LuisCarlos . To follow his case and find out how you can help, follow #LiberenALuisCa…
RT @GeorgMarques: As promotoras Simone Sibilio e Leticia Emile, assinaram denúncia que desencadeou nas prisões de hoje, relatam que o crime…
RT @juhanilohikoski: Korruptio ja FIFA. Ei mitään uutta auringon alla. Ehkäpä uutinen omalla tavalla valottaa miksi Qatarilta ei ole viety…
RT @SantSuominen: Kela ei saakaan oikeutta kurkkia toimeentulotuen hakijan tilitietoja – perustuslakivaliokunta torppasi yrityksen paisutta…
RT @rmack: URGENT! @luiscarlos must be released! cc @pressfreedom #Venezuela
RT @ggreenwald: That it was some combination of the military & police that assassinated Marielle has been clear for a long time: from the s…
RT @DLBiller: In researching concealed gun carry in Brazil, came upon this handy-dandy guide to what one SHOULDN'T use as a holster: ❌Socks…
RT @rmack: URGENT! Digital journalist Luis Carlos Diaz is missing in #Venezuela via @ellerybiddle