Member activity : Mariana Salgado

RT @camerontw: How culpable is the now ubiquitous ‘customer journey map’ for the annihilation of any subject position other than that of cu…
@evadurall puts into question monitoring tools for learning in her doctoral research. When designing monitoring too…
RT @juha_simila: #palvelumuotoilu­lähettiläämme ovat ideoineet ja suunnitelleet vuoden kestävän koulutuksensa aikana lukuisia uusia innovaa…
Charlamos con Alejandro Pedregal sobre cómo empezó a investigar y como la investigación enriqueció su cine. Tuvimo…
RT @mikkoannala: Burning hot: a national legislative guideline for better enabling #policy #experimentation [only in Finnish!] - https://t.…
RT @radioambulante: En este interactivo preparado por @gabybreg para @VOANoticias pueden seguir la caravana migrante que avanza desde Hondu…
RT @inlandDesign: here's the introduction of our last new team member: meet pia, our idealist unicorn! #meettheteam
RT @villekoiste: Suomesta tuli eettisen henkilötiedon edelläkävijä: #MyData Global -järjestö ryhtyy ajamaan digitaalisia ihmisoikeuksia htt…
Today on my way to work I listen this interview to Marc Stickdorn It reminded me…
RT @inlandDesign: Do you missed the event but you are dying to know what happened? Check our article on Design & Government…
Entrevisté a Paola Cabrera en la radio para hispanohablantes. Querés saber cómo se trabajaba en los 90s en artesaní…
RT @apoliticalco: "Re-imagining the role of government in society has perhaps never been more crucial" writes @christianbason, of the @Des…
RT @inlandDesign: The first thesis written with and for Inland is published! Big congrats to @swanlandia for her amazing work. The link inc…
Do you want to know more about @inlanddesign strategy? why we do what we do? and how? A great piece of research on…
This is a challenge we want to work for: #1000experimentsayear
En esta entrevista Dorothy Zablah nos cuenta como llegó a hacer diseño de sistemas educativos, lo que aprendió en…
RT @OneTeamGovMicro: Write some of the @OneTeamGov principles into your next job description or recruitment exercise
@annilepp @AnnetteHotari @Maahanmuuttovir @prh_fi kiitos Anni luennosta! osallistujat kehuivat sua paljon!
RT @inlandDesign: Oulussa tänään pitämässä kehityspäivää! kertomalla tarinoita ideoimme miten voimme tehostaa meidän toimintaa unohtamatta…
RT @jammatti: A nice set of tools for facilitating a constructive discussion. Thanks @SitraFund #socialtools2018
On the road again! this time we are ideating future services in Raisio. And constantly surprising ourselves by the…
RT @inlandDesign: Today Mariana was presenting Inland’s work in Design Matters, Copenhagen. We got amazing positive feedback and genuine in…
RT @le_nielsen: Who run the world! @ingrid_haug @masuma_henry @anishaj @Salgado and Alyson Nakamura from @charitywater discussing design f…
Gracias a @ChacharaPodcast que nos permite a los diseñadores en la diáspora pispear lo que pasa en Argentina. Tambi…
@annilepp in the translator I would add: translating requirements from non-tech to tech people and viceversa.
RT @hellominh: Restlessness, patience, the ability to teach...What designers in the public sector need to succeed via @BloombergCities http…
RT @KBanfi: Atado al cuello, en la mochila, en la muñeca o en la cartera. Lo llevamos a todos lados y no lo vamos a guardar. #ViernesVerd…