Continuing from the December meeting, Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen and Owen Kelly will lead a workshop that will look at:
- tools for communicating effectively now that Pixelache has decentralised;
- methods for managing tasks, now that we will have no central leadership to hand them out, other than the board;
- the software that Oliver has built to focus discussion on methods and tools for voting
All of these revolve around social as well as technical issues, and none of these issues will disappear simply by choosing one app over another. We need to look at how we want to organise in our new decentralised world, and then, when we think we know what we want to do, choose applications that offer us what we want.
Oliver has developed the first iteration of a voting app in Livecode to enable us to do just this. The application works from a set of principles that Oliver has derived from the discussions members held last autumn and, because of this, he can adjust the way it works, based on opinions expressed in these workshops.
Please come and join in the explorations and decision-making. Bring a mobile phone, tablet, and/or laptop. You will get an account on our Mattermost server and the exploration will continue.
No tickets needed. Everyone welcome!
Liittyvä sisältö
In 1971 Ivan Illich, the activist philosopher, suggested that to
formulate a theory about a future society both very modern and not dominated by industry, it will be necessary to recognize natural scales and limits. Once these limits are recognized, it becomes possible to articulate the triadic relationship between persons, tools, and a new collectivity. Such a society, in which modern technologies serve politically interrelated individuals rather than managers, I will call “convivial.”
He wrote that he chose
the term “conviviality” to designate the...