Trashlab Repair Cafe on korjauspaja, jossa kokoonnutaan oppimaan yhdessä ja korjaamaan rikkinäisiä esineitä, vaatteita tai laitteita. Se on myös oiva tilaisuus tavata muita tee-se-itse-tekijöitä, tuunaajia, askartelijoita ja muita kierrättämisestä kiinnostuneita ja jäteongelmaan luovilla ratkaisuilla tarttuvia henkilöitä.
Trashlab repair cafe events are social occasions to gather and try to fix the things you have that are broken, and meet others who care about tinkering, fixing, hacking, and the problem of waste and obsolescence in society. Each time we try to identify someone(s) in advance who have some experience/skills, although everyone is encourage to help each other.
Initiative of Päivi Raivio, inspired by international fixer movement and in collaboration with Pixelache Helsinki, Finland, and is part of their around-the-year outreach & education programme, under the theme 'Waste/d'. More background info about Trashlab: http://trashlab.info/
Keep in touch online by join the Facebook group 'Trashlab' for notice of events, or via email-list following these instructions: send a blank email to: trashlab-subscribe[-at-]pixelache.ac [system will then send you a confirmation request, and once you reply to it, a message confirming that you are a subscriber]
* Image credit: Päivi Raivio
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