Settled out as a sort of video-club with the energy of queer bars and parties, Kinki Kioski will navigate sexuality and desire representations that defy the hegemonic gaze. Considering that like gender, desire is socially constructed as well, this mini post-porn festival will bring artists and collectives that reflect and act on those topics.
Situated as trans-feminist project, some key concepts around post-porn have to do with consent and care, sex workers rights, community and non normative representations of the body, gender and pleasure. Beyond the erotic consumption of images for masturbatory purposes, this pro-sex queer movement, sets out political tools and narratives to change the imaginarium around sexuality, identity and desire.
A proto-edition of KINKI KIOSKI was held in an apartment in Rastila, under the name ‘’La cabaret’’ and in collaboration with Fugitive radio. The first edition took place at Myymala2. In 2024, KINKI KIOSKI returns as a festival with a 2-day program at Myös Studio.
Program and Participants
The 2-day festival is fully free of charge and includes film screenings, panel discussions, performance and lecture, artwork and music.
Friday 24. May
Dark rooms, cruising, parties, clubs and other places for queer joy.
door opens
Short films screening - Naked Bodies, Bared Souls: queer feminist porn.
approx. 90min.
The program is curated by Masha Ravlyk and Ton Melnyk.
The program includes six short films from Ukraine, Poland and Romania. They vary in content and form: works with a decent budget and amateur DIY porn, films with a plot and video clips, created by artists and by activists. All of them are based on principles of non-violence, consent and pleasure. They are also about a variety of experiences, which include different bodies, genders, identities, feelings and practices. These films are not only about bodies becoming naked, but also about baring souls. Through this program, we can see how filmmakers make porn a political gesture of criticism and resistance to conservative society and politics.
Panel discussion talk
with Eevi Tolvanen (Crush(ing) project aimed for trans and queer seniors) the Attic (queer space that hosts events and sex parties), Masha Ravlyk (artists and curator of the screenings Naked bodies and bared souls)
Film screening - Marit Östberg: When we are together we can be everywhere.
Sweet vulvas by Ju Salgueiro
Candy pussies from all shapes and sizes, hormone treated, non binary etc. Ingredients: rice syrup, sugar, water, thyme.
Myös DJ's
Music party and out.
Sunday 25. May
If you don’t like the porn you see, make your own (DIY, collectives, art projects, comics and other formats to expand the possibilities of porn)
DIY selection of short queer porn videos. With Sparxs and Frau Diamanda.
door opens
DIY videos curated by Sparxs
Sparx Camp is a queer-feminist porn making retreat!
The first Sparx Camp was a 10-day long retreat in late summer 2023, at a retreat centre in the Finnish countryside. The retreat follows a KinoKabaret style style of filmmaking, which means there are multiple filmmaking sessions where you can join any project and team you like. Twenty participants made about 30 films during the first Sparx Camp!
This selection of short films is curated from this collection of films compiled during the first camp.
Sweetooth, Flor Scharf & Blush, 3:19
Mommy, Isla Ika, 3:25
Mermaid Maladaptive meets The Evil Twins, Haamu Holo, 4:50
Sacrifice, Kuura, 2:31
Lilies In The Wind, Sampumon, 1:56
Hedgehog, Fevercream, 7:57
The Shed, Isla Ika & Muura Karu, 15:27
Filthy encounter - A love story, Antti Ahonen, 12,09
Mushroom Picking, Blush, 3:23
Onur Tayranoğlu. Performative presentation "BB".
BB is an online performative presentation, sort of a cam show meets YouTube tutorial, focusing on screens and condoms.
Onur Tayranoglu is a transdisciplinary performance artist based in Helsinki. They approach various mediums such as text, video, digital media and installation through performance and theory based research processes. By often situating their practice in the grey areas between life and live art, Onur deals with the vague concept of performativity beyond art contexts; within the flow of social, political and cultural realities. Their artistic practice is informed and inspired by intersectional experiences, practices, histories and theories of queerness.
Frau Diamanda (Hector Acuña) - DIY queer porn short videos from Latin america and spain.
approx. 30-40min
Frau Diamanda (Hector Acuña, Peru) is a translator, travesti audiovisual artist, writer, drag performer, independent curator, cultural agent, dj and occasional actress living in Barcelona since 2016.
She attended the PEI Independent Studies Programme from the MACBA period 2017-2018;and published her book Escenas Catalanas: errancias antropológico-sexuales in 2020 by La Máquina Bcn editorial. As a curator, she manages Pornifero festival of Iberoamerican post porn video art.
Talk, questions & discussion with Frau Diamanda and Jenna Jauhiainen (Sparx).
Lea Lintula ja Halla. Performance.
approx. 30-40min
Join us for a launching party! Welcome to meet our team and chew some life changing ideas. Hang around or join the world of innovations. We are very chill. Jäntti, Lintula and Drama will guide you, just relax and try not to choke. ;)
Language: english, finnish
Performance artists: Halla Jäntti and Lea Lintula
Sound design: Tiikka Drama
Sweet vulvas by Ju Salgueiro.
10pm - 12am
Myös DJ's + DJ Frau Travesti residente.
Music party and out.
Artistic Direction
Irina Mutt
Phan Nguyen
Financial Administration
Raisa Veikkola