…a concert of multichannel live streamed composition
Thurs 14th April klo. 19.30
Chamber Music Hall,
Sibelius Academy, P.Rautatiekatu 9
Internet Radio, Hörtexte v.16.1 (Sherre DeLys & Helsinki Computer Orchestra)
Bridge…Stream (Jodi Rose, Mari Keski-Korsu and international bridge team)
Freedom Highway (Emmanuel Madan)
Two Way Radios (2WR)
Helsinki Computer Orchestra do their first fully networked performance to bring you Sherre Delys’ live net-radio remix composition: Hortexte I-radio v.16.1.
Sonic Art Star, Jodi Rose prototypes Bridge… Stream, a symphony of bridge resonances.
Take a radio ride on Freedom Highway with Emmanuel Madan in a disturbing portrait of American Empire as heard from the inside.
2way radio with Six 2-way audio streams after La Radio (Marinetti & Pino Masnata) explores the radio as apparatus of communication (Bertolt Brecht) and Imaginary Landscape No. 4 (John Cage)
Presented by Sophea Lerner and the Centre for Music and Technology, Sibelius Academy. With a commitment to bleeding edge technology, anything can happen!
Internet Radio, Hörtexte v 16.1
The 1983 radio classic by Ferdinand Kriwet ‘Hortext 16’ will be recreated for the internet radio age as a live streaming public event. Kriwet’s mission to ‘create a polyphony of the world history of radio’ by collecting radio broadcasts from around the world and editing those into a 36 minute and 9 second montage creating what he called a ‘fictitious world radio.’ Today that world radio is a reality, which will be performed by volunteers harvesting live audio streams worldwide, edited and mixed to create Hörtext v 16.1.
Sherre DeLys is an internationally recognised radio/sound artist recently working at WNYC Public Radio NY. Sherre spent many years as a producer for The Listening Room, Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s acclaimed program for Acoustic Art.
Bridge… Stream
Prototyping the global bridge symphony, an experimental networked multi-location bridge streaming performance playing the cables on the Matinkaari and Heureka Silta bridges in Helsinki. The mixed streams will be broadcast on ääniradio, online ääniradio.org and in person at the chamber music hall of sibelius academy, with live video and electronic music improvisation.
Australian sound artist Jodi Rose travels the world recording the sound of bridge cables. Mari Keski-Korsu (mkk) is a person, whose interest lays in human communication, coincidences, creating spaces and befallings.
Freedom Highway
Beginning in September 2002, Emmanuel began driving through the United States and recording talk radio shows and religious programming on the AM band. The result is edited and remixed into a disturbing portrait of American Empire as heard from the inside.
Emmanuel Madan is a musician, composer and sound artist based in Montréal, who works in radio broadcasting as an engineer, journalist, producer, programming director and DJ and produces collaborative installation projects as [The User]: Symphony for dot matrix printers and Silophone.
Two Way Radios (2WR) is a project for six 2-way audio streams, after “La Radia” by F. T. Marinetti and Pino Masnata (1933), “The Radio as an Apparatus of Communication” by Bertolt Brecht (1932), and “Imaginary Landscape No. 4” by John Cage. With akihiro kubota, code31 (lahaag) and goto10 (jk, chun, fbar, aym3ric)… and praha (NOD Media Art Institute) http://mxHz.org
…immediately followed by: P.O.P. PixelACHE? + Particle/Wave Opening Party @ mbar with performances from NoisiV (berlin), audio_z (vilnius), and Pixelache DJ’s.